Sale Contracts

Understanding the Contracts

At the time of purchase will sign our PET (spay/neuter) CONTRACT.

PET (spay/neuter) CONTRACT

When you have decided on which puppy you will take home, we will require you to sign our "Pet Contract." This contract will explain that your sheltie companion is sold on an AKC "limited" Registration and is not used for breeding. We select and retain the very best show prospects and grow them out ourselves. We are even more selective in dogs we have as breeding stock. We perform health tests on our breeding stock, including OFA testing Hips, DMS, MDR1, vWD-III disease, CERF eyes. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that your sheltie is spayed or neutered by 9 - 12 months of age. This puppy cannot be shown in AKC conformation, but you can participate in agility, obedience, and herding. The purpose behind this is to protect the puppy and ensure only the very best dogs are bred. Mix-breed puppies many times are unwanted and thus end up in our animal shelters. Male dogs are prone to mark their territory if not neutered at an early age, and once they start, they are HARD to break. If they are fixed when they are still stretching out like a puppy to pee, they will continue that for life. Female puppies that are spayed at a young age have a reduced risk of cancer later in life.

Holly Bluff Shelties recommends feeding Puppy Chow for the first full year.

Please remember to have your vet "health check" your puppy within 10 days and follow through on future wellness checks.


WE SELL SHOW DOGS! If you show in AKC Conformation or actively participate in other organized AKC agility, rally, or herding events, we would love to provide you with your next champion! We currently have GCH Shelties on three continents, North America/Canada, Brazil, South America, and Australia. Show Quality prospects are available with full breeding rights. Please call Sherry or me to discuss.
