Am CH Bellarose Holly Bluff High Cotton, “Cotton”
To say Sherry and I are excited about Cotton's visit to Brazil would be a gross understatement. Cotton will be staying with Patty Oliveira, the owner of Olives Mount Kennel and resort in Cotia, San Paulo, Brazil. Cotton is available to interested parties in South America. Please get in touch with Patty at Cotton will campaign 2018 in South America and be presented by Professional Handler, Cleber Antonio (San Paulo, Brazil). We wish Patty, Cleber, and Cotton "Good Luck at the Shows"
Olives Mount Resort and Kennel is a small and loving kennel located in San Paulo, Capital. Patty operates a beautiful resort for the beloved pets of travelers from San Paulo. Patty occasionally has a litter of spoiled puppies raised in her home and only available for serious people. Patty is associated with KCSP/CBKC/FCI breeding system.
Am GCh Bellarose Holly Bluff High Cotton, "Cotton" is standing at stud with Prop/Owner: Patty Oliveira at Olives Mount Kennels in San Paulo, Brazil
Olives Mount Kennels
Patty Oliveira, Owner
Cotia / São Paulo,
Tel: oo*55(11) 4243-7374
Cel: oo*55(11) 9 9397-1717 (claro) *whatsapp
I'm very excited to announce that Cleber Antonio (Brazil) will present Am GCH Bellarose Holly Bluff High Cotton to the sheltie fancy in Brazil during 2018