AKC GCH/Can CH Belmark Game Play

Holly Bluff Shelties

Angela Hudson, Sherry Deeds and I are proud to present the newest addition to the Holly Bluff/ BellaRose Shelties family of co-owned dogs. Am/Can Ch Belmark Game Play, “Maja” comes to us from Bella Thompson and we are so please with this lovely girl! From Bella’s website “This typey and pretty red sable girl is by Bode and exemplifies everything we love about him. Maja has a stunning headpiece with lean skull and a beautiful outline with neck, solid top-line and a strong rear. She loves life and is a born show girl. Maja culminates our efforts in our sable program. She is a perfect blend of the top producing sables with our tried and true AOAC’s *Show news* 3/6/11 in one weekend Maja has picked up just about enough points (1 point shy) to finish her Canadian Championship. She has now finished on 3/25/11 under breeder judge Nancy Tibben! 6/22/11 Maja is out with handler Becky Johnson and won a major right away. She now has 6 Am pts! 9/8/12 After taking some time out for a litter, Jessica Starbuck took her back out and a month later she is finished with 3 majors! She now has Grand Championship points, we hope to finish her grand soon.”

Maja is eyes CERF normal, VWD clear by parentage, MDR1 normal/normal, hips are OFA Good.

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